Plan Now For Efficient Backup and Disaster Recovery

Plan Now For Efficient Backup and Disaster Recovery

No one likes to consider the “what ifs.” But if you are a business that depends on 24/7 access to data and applications, you could find yourself in financial ruin should a catastrophic event occur. This is why an effective backup and disaster recovery plan must be an essential part of every company’s agenda. Consider the events of recent times that could easily bring a company to its financial knees. Destructive tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, and even acts of terrorism have unfortunately been common headlines.

Importance of Efficient Backup and Disaster Recovery

One look at the effects Superstorm Sandy had on many ill-prepared businesses is a prime example. But have events such as Sandy spurned others to have a disaster plan in place? A recent study by FedEx and the American Red Cross showed that 70 percent of small businesses don’t even consider themselves at risk for experiencing a disaster similar to Sandy. However, the good news is that 51 percent do have some kind of plan in place to keep their services running.

So what are the ways businesses can protect their data from destruction? We have all heard of cloud computing as a mechanism to access data and applications from any location. It’s this method that can come to the rescue should a disaster occur. Coupled with server virtualization, companies can ensure their systems will not experience prolonged costly downtime. The beauty of cloud computing is that many systems or even just specific critical databases can be replicated to keep as a recovery point.

With the use of virtualized backups, administrators can have snapshots  that are stored offsite for an efficient hassle-free recovery procedure. Both employees and clients can connect to the offsite servers seamlessly and quickly should a catastrophe bring down the primary center. With cloud and virtualization technologies, essential resources can be quickly and easily deployed which is essential to the operation of the business.

Even if recovery is not immediate, a prolonged outage is avoidable. This most certainly protects the company from financial ruin. In the Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Hollywood, and Santa Monica area, XO can assist your business in a data recovery plan with migration to some or all functions to the cloud. Contact us for more information on how our IT services and solutions can keep your business running efficiently.

Also Read: Managed IT Services: What Architects and Designers Need To Know

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