Business Continuity : Benefits And Planning Tips

In order to continue operating during and after disruptive events like natural disasters, cyberattacks, or pandemics, it is imperative for enterprises to practice business continuity.

However, you need a well-thought-out strategy before cloud computing can be a key enabler of business continuity. A comprehensive plan for business continuity describes how a company will function both during and after disruptive events.

On-premise solutions, however, make it more difficult to execute an efficient business continuity plan due to security issues and the exponential growth in data generated by business activities.

The good news is that there is a strategy for making business continuity less complicated. When it comes to planning and implementation, cloud technology can be an enormous help. What you should know is as follows:

Top Business Continuity Tips

Following are the top business continuity tips your business can adopt:

Get The Right Experience On Board

The first step in moving to the cloud is to hire professionals with the right level of expertise Your cloud migration team should be proficient in the programming languages that were used to develop the applications and be able to set up the infrastructure necessary to run them, whether they are in-house, outsourced, or a mix of both.

When implementing flexible methods like DevOps, you should carefully examine how many distributions are on the board (Dev, QA, and Ops), how frequently you’ll release, and how mature the team is. Consider recruiting more expertise, training your core employees, or leveraging an outsourcing vendor if you want to be completely safe. Because effective Cloud migration needs the right level of expertise.

Analyse All The Risks

The perceived risk of storing your data with a third-party provider is one of the key barriers to moving to the cloud. Applications from several organizations are executed on shared servers using public cloud services like AWS EC2. In the event of an interruption with the Cloud service provider, even while this doesn’t present a security concern, it occasionally causes performance issues or downtime.

Data security breaches may occur if you switch to a public Cloud platform. Your data may become vulnerable to hackers if an open S3 bucket is used. There are specialized Cloud-based security technologies available that can automatically search for vulnerabilities and notify them.

Test Your Solutions In The Cloud

The majority of modern programs run on browsers, so it’s important to test how well they perform with various browser versions. It takes a lot of time, but it’s vital to test every browser version on a physical system.

It’s also important to keep in mind that evaluating performance on various mobile devices might be challenging. Testing in the cloud makes it much simpler to determine whether the solution is right for you.

Choose A Reliable Cloud Provider

When it comes to BCDR, not all cloud providers are created equal. For your data and apps, you must select a cloud provider that delivers high availability, redundancy, security, and scalability.

In order to ensure that they are consistent with your BCDR goals and expectations, you should also check the service level agreement (SLA) and the cloud provider’s terms and conditions. For instance, you should look into the cloud provider’s uptime, performance, backup, restore, and failover guarantees.

Additionally, you should confirm what obligations and liabilities the cloud provider accepts in the event of a disaster and what options you have in the event that they fail to fulfil their promises.

Train Your Staff

Train employees on how to use your cloud business continuity solutions, including the steps to take in the event of a disruption and the communication and notification processes.

Maintain And Update Your Cloud Business Continuity Plan Regularly

Maintaining and updating your cloud-based business continuity plan on a regular basis will help to keep it updated and effective. This includes testing the business continuity plan on a regular basis, assessing and upgrading the security controls in place, and updating the business continuity cloud architecture as necessary.

Key Benefits Of Leveraging Cloud For Business Continuity Planning Initiatives

  • Maintain the level of staff productivity from before the disruption.
  • Switch to a “pay-as-you-go” model instead of the capital expenditure “CAPEX” model.
  • Implementation time is reduced by a streamlined proof-of-concept.
  • Repetitive tasks and processes can be easily automated, which reduces the likelihood of human error.
  • Clients and cloud service providers share security responsibilities. This helps companies in stepping up their security efforts.
  • Since most businesses are embracing a culture of remote and work-from-home jobs, cloud computing frequently proves to be a better infrastructure choice.

Wrapping Up

 Cloud-based options should be a part of the solution for all of your business continuity needs. XO can serve as a strategic technology partner to assist you in choosing the most suitable cloud services and creating a solution that is unique to your IT strategy and business requirements. Reach out to us today.

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