What is Cloud Storage

Education: What is Cloud Storage, Firewall, and Malware?

What is Cloud Storage, Firewall, and Malware?

Running a business in the modern world is really tough. When starting a new company, entrepreneurs are often shocked by the sheer volume of work they must take on. The increased scope of the internet and the risks tied into having an online presence have only made things worse.
The modern CEO must not only be aware of cash flow, but cybersecurity issues as well. Malware, firewalls, cloud storage services – these are all topics that most of us take for granted. The word “firewall,” for instance, is thrown around so often that just about everyone knows what it means, right?
Well, knowing the definition of a word doesn’t always cut it. When a company’s well being is at stake, it’s very crucial to take the time and develop a deep knowledge of online threats and the systems that help keep them at bay. To learn about online security, we must break down and look at the parts related to it one at a time.

Malware Protection

Diving into the world of online security seems premature without first talking about online business threats. Of the many different issues that can present themselves, the dreaded malware attack can arguably cause the most damage.
The term “malware” refers to a piece of software that carries out unauthorized actions on your computer without your consent. Malware can tag along when something is downloaded or added to the computer. Most malware programs have simple goals in mind, these being:

  • Theft – Some malware programs are designed mainly to mine your computer for sensitive info such as financial statements and patient files (if you’re in the medical industry).
  • Disruption – Some programs are made to disrupt your computers and servers. Disruptions range from simple file corruption to using your system as a vehicle to carry out DDoS Attacks.
  • Demand – Malware programs often referred to as “scareware” use empty threats of shutting down your system to frighten you into paying money.

These threats can spell disaster for new and old businesses alike. Installing powerful malware protection systems is the only way to assure security. A great counter to this harmful software is a firewall.

What are Firewalls?

“What are firewalls?” is a question commonly asked, but rarely answered. In simple terms, a firewall is a network security device that monitors your network traffic. Think of your firewall as a virtual barricade that filters the info coming in and out of your system. 
With recent advances in IT security, several types of firewalls are now available on the market. These virtual security systems are often the first line of defense when it comes to protecting your personal and business computers:

  • Proxy – This type of firewall serves as a gateway for a specific application moving from one network to another. These firewalls are often used along with proxy servers for content caching and preventing outside connection.
  • Stateful Inspection – This type of firewall allows or blocks traffic based on state, port, and protocol. These “traditional” systems make filtering decision based on admin rules and context.
  • Unified Threat Management (UTM) – These firewalls combine the function of stateful inspection systems with intrusion prevention and antivirus. These systems also ensure data security in cloud storage.
  • Next-gen Firewall (NGFW) – These firewalls are now being adopted by most modern companies. They offer stateful inspection as well as new software to address evolving security threats.
  • Threat-focused NGFW – These firewalls are a more powerful version of NGFW. They offer better threat detection and prevention services.

As you may have noticed, some of these firewall types also offer cloud management. In the world of online business, the cloud is becoming increasingly more difficult to ignore. 

Ensure Data Security in Cloud Storage

Think of the cloud as a large virtual storage unit. This unit can have a limitless capacity and can be accessed from multiple places. Additionally, it can be shared among your coworkers and can keep your stuff safe from intruders.
It is vital to consider your security needs when weighing the advantages and disadvantages of using cloud computing and cloud storage. Some companies may insist on sticking to older storage systems. However, the benefits of cloud-based computing are tough to go without in the modern world.
The cloud can offer a variety of benefits from easy file sharing to quick access. The following is just a brief overview of the way cloud storage can improve your workspace.

  • Save Money – With the cloud, there is no hardware to buy. You can add or remove capacity and protection on demand. This means that you have complete control over how much you pay. data that you don’t often access can even be moved to lower-cost tiers to save on storage.
  • Get Work Done – When your team is ready to finalize that big project, your systems should never slow them down. Cloud storage allows your IT provider to quickly deliver the exact amount of storage needed fast. This allows IT to focus on solving complex problems instead of having to manage storage space.
  • Manage Your Info – Keeping your storage in the cloud creates a fully connected company network. With the cloud, your different teams can talk and work together quickly. You can also regulate how much access each person in your office has to your overall data.

With these benefits in mind, it should come as no surprise why most companies today prefer the cloud over old school hard drives. Having a fully functional IT security and storage system is really the best way of ensuring long term success.

Find the Best IT Security and Storage Provider

At XO, our focus is on safety, security, and scale. We believe that a modern company deserves to have the best IT services on the market. A proper IT provider can often make a big difference in the safety of your company.
Our services include 24/7 monitoring, cloud support, firewall protection, and much more. Don’t risk the safety of your business, contact us today to discuss your security needs.

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